[은평구영어학원] STN학원 초간단 워드 입니다.


#은평구영어학원 #STN학원에서 제작한 #초간단구문입문 워드입니다. 


STN 학원에서는 학교별 맞춤식 교재를 일일이 제작합니다. 
학원에서 교재를 제작한다는 것은 어떤 의미일까요? 
실력이 있다는 것입니다. 열정이 있다는 것입니다. 학생들의 성적에 애정이 있다는 것입니다. 


#예비고1 수업이 한창 진행중입니다.

SKY의 시작 STN에서 시작하세요. 
수업 문의 010 2702 9782 (문자)로 부탁드립니다.





If you feel that someone is old-fashioned or belongs to a different group from yours, you are unlikely to laugh at their humor. The social context is important for the creation and reception of humor. It is hard for humor to cross boundaries of time and social groups. Humor becomes out of date as quickly as fashion, and is often dependent on particular cultures and attitudes. Therefore, if you ignore this social context, you would try hard to make people laugh, only to fail.


SKY의 시작 STN학원 수업 문의 ( 010 2702 9782 문자로 문의 부탁드립니다) 



WWF is an international non-governmental organization for the conservation, research and restoration of the environment. It is the world’s largest independent conservation organization, with more than five million supporters worldwide working in more than 90 countries. The organization was formed on September 11, 1961, in Morges, Switzerland. The initial focus of its activities was the protection of endangered species. As more resources became available, its operations expanded into other areas such as the preservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, and the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. However, WWF has been accused by a number of environmental groups and campaigners of being too close to businesses to campaign objectively.


SKY의 시작 STN학원 수업 문의 ( 010 2702 9782 문자로 문의 부탁드립니다)  



John Stuart Mill was an English philosopher who learned Greek by age four and Latin and math by age eight. His father kept him isolated from other children so he could pursue these studies. At the end of his teenage years, he suffered a nervous breakdown from studying too much. Fortunately, he recovered and went on to a successful career, publishing books about ethics, logic, and political economy. He certainly believed philosophy could help improve society in many ways. He ran for office in the English Parliament so that he could make laws reflecting philosophical principles. He also wrote the first treatises defending equal rights for women. His works on political liberty are still widely read today.


SKY의 시작 STN학원 수업 문의 ( 010 2702 9782 문자로 문의 부탁드립니다)  




I bought a computer and needed to learn to use it. After reading the manual and making some progress, I still had many questions. So I went to the store where I bought it, and asked for help. But the man assigned to help me used technical language in explaining things, and each time I had to ask what a word meant. His tone of voice implied the silent message “This is obvious; everyone knows this.” He also explained things so fast that I was not able to remember them. When I went home, I couldn’t recall what he had demonstrated, even in cases where I had followed his explanation at the time.


SKY의 시작 STN학원 수업 문의 ( 010 2702 9782 문자로 문의 부탁드립니다) 



Math teaches order and logic. You can expect a mathematical equation to have a predictable result, and precise steps must be followed in order to obtain that outcome. The discipline of mind that children develop in math class can carry over into everyday life. Businesses know this, as some companies will hire math majors based on the presumption that students who are proficient in math have learned how to think. Math can also provide a vehicle through which critical-thinking skills are put into practice and refined. An example of mathematical critical thinking is when students are required to explain how they arrived at a solution to a complicated problem or to describe the ideas behind a procedure or formula.


SKY의 시작 STN학원 수업 문의 ( 010 2702 9782 문자로 문의 부탁드립니다)  



Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher who is considered one of the founders of modern political philosophy. Hobbes, a social contract theorist, surely believed that human beings need a strong government to stop them from reverting to the state of nature. Therefore, he emphasizes absolute monarchy, where the citizens agree to give the king ultimate power. In his social contract, the people promise thorough obedience to the king in exchange for security and peace. To secure peace, the king can do anything that he thinks necessary except harm the citizens. This means that he could make it illegal for anyone to leave home after dark. Why would we agree to such a strict form of government? The answer, for Hobbes, is that the alternative is worse.





Europeans who came to settle in America found more and more differences between themselves and Indian people. The aims of life in this Indian civilization were quite different from the familiar objectives of the Europeans. In the broadest sense, the Europeans were most interested in private and personal gain. The Indians were more interested in public and tribal good behavior. There were numeral exceptions, but, in general, Indian life was more based on a spirit of cooperation within the community. Most Indians tried faithfully to follow all their tribal laws and superstitions. European life was primarily based on a spirit of competition to acquire personal ownership of things.


SKY의 시작 STN학원 수업 문의 ( 010 2702 9782 문자로 문의 부탁드립니다)  



Parents have a duty associated with no. They need to help their child feel comfortable enough to say no, thereby making his or her own boundaries. Even though they certainly can’t make all the decisions they’d like, young children should be able to have a no that is listened to. Informed parents won’t be offended or enraged by their child’s resistance. They will help the child feel that his no is just as lovable as his yes. They won’t withdraw emotionally from the child who says no, but will stay connected. One parent must often support another who is being worn down by their child’s no.


SKY의 시작 STN학원 수업 문의 ( 010 2702 9782 문자로 문의 부탁드립니다)  



Bridges are some of the world’s most magnificent marvels of engineering, connecting cities and even countries. But bridges have also featured some of the most innovative design. Dragon Bridge in Vietnam is one of them. Long a symbol of power and fortune in Asia, dragons are seen all over the continent. But the dragon motif is taken to a whole new level when Vietnam unveiled its 2,185-foot-long Dragon Bridge, located in the city of Da Nang, in 2013. The steel, dragon-shaped bridge, which spans the River Han, literally breathes fire from its mouth. The fire-breathing show takes place every Saturday and Sunday at 9 p.m. The bridge is also illuminated by more than 2,500 LED lights which treat spectators to a dazzling light show.





On behalf of Burnaby School District, I am very pleased to inform you about School Cash Online. It is an online payment system that allows you to pay for your children’s day-to-day school expenses such as school activities, field trips, sport events, and more. Now, registering for School Cash Online, you can not only enjoy the convenience of paying but receive email notifications regarding upcoming school events involving your children. With this new system, you can make a payment and manage your children' s school schedule with ease. Please contact us, if you require assistance in joining the system..


SKY의 시작 STN학원 수업 문의 ( 010 2702 9782 문자로 문의 부탁드립니다) 



Being a primary school teacher, I was late for a conference on children with attention difficulties. After hurrying into the building, I asked a receptionist where the meeting was. She said with her finger pointing, “I’ve told you a hundred times - through there." Angered by the seemingly unfair complaint, I felt the urge to explain my being late, but instead 1 rushed into the room and sat down. However, I was so angered that I could not have calmed down easily without some handouts 1 received. The handouts showed me the conference title: I’ve Told You a Hundred Times.


SKY의 시작 STN학원 수업 문의 ( 010 2702 9782 문자로 문의 부탁드립니다)  



Personal mobility vehicles are not quite like cars, bicycles, or motorbikes. Yet they provide a very convenient means of transportation. They allow users to drive on roads as well as move along sidewalks and get around inside large buildings, all with great safety and ease. Personal mobility vehicles are expected to be widely used in the near future. In fact, with a variety of prototypes developed, some have already been put to use. These vehicles are powered by electricity, which is environmentally friendly, and their very small size is helpful in easing traffic congestion and parking space shortages. They will allow anyone, including the elderly and physically handicapped people, to move around as they want.




An American engineering company spent months negotiating a huge contract with a Saudi Arabian firm. To emphasize the importance of the contract, the American executives bound their final proposal in expensive leather. Unfortunately, they chose pigskin, unaware that Saudis consider the pig an unclean animal. If the Americans had wanted to insult their host, they would have found no better way. The proposal and binder were consequently burned, and this Saudi firm threw the American company out of the country. A little knowledge of religious custom could have prevented this disaster. Unfortunately, no one had bothered to do basic research on these Saudi beliefs.


SKY의 시작 STN학원 수업 문의 ( 010 2702 9782 문자로 문의 부탁드립니다)  



As a diversity proponent, I tell people to practice “foxhole diversity." Let’s pretend the enemy is active all around and I’ve got to find people to be in the foxhole with me. I don't have to ask many questions. Does the candidate have all of his or her faculties? Does the person have a gun? Can he or she shoot? That’s about it. I don’t care where they went to school, their religion, or their skin color. If organizations and the people in them worked in foxholes, this approach to surviving - dropping conformity as a standard for participation - would be compelling. In life-or-death situations, many people will suspend their beliefs, change their behavior, and embrace new solutions.


SKY의 시작 STN학원 수업 문의 ( 010 2702 9782 문자로 문의 부탁드립니다)  



One day a motorcycle dealer realized that he wasn’t getting many women riders. He knew he could grow his business by expanding into the women’s market. He started attending women’s meetings and talking to women everywhere he went and asking them whether they’d ever thought about riding a motorcycle. What many women said to him was something like this I’ve always wanted to ride a motorcycle, but I don’t just want to walk into a dealership when I don’t know whether 1 really want to buy one. I wish there were a way I could “try it out." This comment gave him an insight. He decided to hold a series of free “Rider’s Clinics" for women only. Today, 30 percent of the dealer’s customers are women.




2002년부터 STN 학원을 운영하고 계신 김영진 원장님께서 직접 교재를 기획 및 제작하십니다. 
그래서 적중률이 타의 추종을 불허합니다. 
그래서 내신 또한 STN 학원을 따라올 학원이 없는 것입니다. 

물론 인터넷에 있는 다양한 자료를 다운받아 활용하는 것도 좋습니다. 
하지만, 이곳과 실정이 동떨어져 출제가 되질 않습니다. 
학생들 고생만 시키는 자료들입니다. 

정작 시험에 나오는 핵심 그리고 Final 자료를 직접 일일이 제작하여 쓰는 STN 학원만의 노하우를 체험하세요.
성적이 오르는 학원은 따로 있습니다. 
성적이 확실히 오르는 STN 학원입니다. 

STN 수업 문의 02 305 7254 (문자. 010 2702 9782) 입니다. 

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