동영상 자료들/TOEIC Listening thequestfor 2022. 2. 24. 09:28
드래그하시면 스크립트가 보입니다. M. Hi, Wecome to Chesterton Bank. How can I help you? W. Well, I'd like to deposit my paycheck into my savings account. M. Of course. Have you thought about signing up for direct deposit? That way, your paycheck will go directly into your account, and you don't have to come in to the branch to do the transaction. W. That sounds great, actually. M. You just need to fill out som..
동영상 자료들/TOEIC Listening thequestfor 2022. 2. 21. 11:47
스크립트는 드래그하면 보인답니다. M. Hi, Maria. Were you able to start on the wedding cakes yet? W. Yes, I've started on the Anderson order. It's a little more complex than I thought it would be. M. Yes, they're more complicated and they do take a little more time, but it'll be worth it. W. Right. We can definitely increase our bakery's sales by offering wedding cakes. Take a look - is the color of this frosti..