2020년 11월 고1 영어모의고사 29번 STN 강의


#STN학원에서 #에스티엔학원에서 

상세하면서도 핵심만 콕콕 집어서 강의한 #2020년11월고1영어모의고사29번 STN 설명 자료입니다.





UGG 방수 어그 슬리퍼 털슬리퍼 호주 양털 여자 남자 머보 오즈웨어호주직구



파트너스 활동을 통해 일정액의 수수료를 제공받을 수 있음





Each species of animals can detect a different range of odours. No species can detect all the molecules that are present in the environment in which it lives ― there are some things that we cannot smell but which some other animals can, and vice versa. There are also differences between individuals, relating to the ability to smell an odour, or how pleasant it seems. For example, some people like the taste of coriander ― known as cilantro in the USA ― while others find it soapy and unpleasant. This effect has an underlying genetic component due to differences in the genes controlling our sense of smell. Ultimately, the selection of scents detected by a given species, and how that odour is perceived, will depend upon the animals ecology. The response profile of each species will enable it to locate sources of smell that are relevant to it and to respond accordingly.




UGG 방수 어그 슬리퍼 털슬리퍼 호주 양털 여자 남자 머보 오즈웨어호주직구



파트너스 활동을 통해 일정액의 수수료를 제공받을 수 있음




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