STN과 함께 하는 CNN 영어 뉴스로 영어 정복하기 005
- 동영상 자료들/Learn English through English News
- 2019. 11. 12. 13:31
005 에서는 뉴델리에서의 심각한 smog 현상과 이를 위한 인도 정부의 노력과 조치에 관해 다루고 있습니다.
대기 오염 관련 단어 및 표현들을 함께 정리하기 좋아 선택하였습니다.
005부터는 각 문장을 10번 반복할 수 있도록 편집하였습니다.
10번 반복되는 동안, 발음 및 억양에 신경을 쓰시면서, 가급적 암기할 수 있도록 해보세요.
그리고 매 스크립트 5페이지에 나오는 어휘들 정리 및 암기하고 계시지요?
This Tuesday we`re starting in southern Asia. Of the 30 most polluted urban areas on the planet, 22 of them are in India the world`s second most populated country. In fact, the nation`s capital New Delhi is ranked as the world`s most polluted city and right now the smog is at its worst. Record levels of pollution are expected for at least the next week. Government officials have declared a public health emergency and they`ve taken steps to try to get a handle on the pollution. They`re stopping work at construction sites, which sends dust into the air. They`re limiting the number of cars that are allowed on the road, encouraging people to carpool and reducing traffic by 4 million vehicles each day. But experts say, this isn`t likely to have a major effect on the smog because a lot of it comes from outside New Delhi. Around the time of year when temperatures drop, India`s farmers light fires to get rid of leftover crops and eliminate stubble on the ground. That produces a lot of the pollution that settles over New Delhi. The government has tried to address that problem in the past. One way was by providing farmers with discounted equipment that could keep them from having to burn the unwanted leftovers but nothing has really worked and it may take a change in the weather for the problem to improve. That`s especially concerning to residents of New Delhi because researchers have compared living in a place with heavily polluted air to smoking a pack of cigarettes everyday.
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