은평구영어학원 STN학원 CNN 10 20200113


#은평구영어학원 #STN학원에서 제작한 CNN 10 20200110 자료입니다.

  중등 상위권과 등부 영어 리스닝 학습을 위해 수업의 일환으로 STN에서 편집 제작하여 활용하고 있습니다. 

#예비고1영어 수업 또한 STN 학원입니다. 



CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi I`m Carl Azuz. And I`m happy to welcome you to CNN 10. Our first story of the week centers on what could be called a high stakes and dangerous game of chicken played out by warships in the Arabian Sea. It involves the United States and Russia but if you ask who`s responsible you`ll get two very different answers. Last week the U.S. Navy said one of its destroyers was aggressively approached by a Russian ship. American defense officials say this video show the Russian vessel coming as close as 180 feet from the American one before changing course. The U.S. Navy says it sounded the International Maritime signal for collision danger and asked the Russian ship to change its course but that because it delayed following the rules the Russian ship increased the chances of a collision before eventually turning away. Russia disagrees with that summary. It says the American warship broke international rules by making a move that crossed the Russian ship`s course and that it was the Russian ship that prevented the collision by maneuvering away. Something like this between the same two countries also happened last June. That incident was in the Pacific Ocean. The two warships involved came so close that the U.S. had to make an emergency move to avoid a collision but then as now Russian media said it was their country`s ship that suddenly changed direction to avoid hitting the American one. There have been a number of military incidents that American officials have called unsafe or provocative. A reporter from National Public Radio described them as cat and mouse games between the U.S. and Russia that were common during the Cold War. The latest near miss in the Arabian Sea came in a body of water where there`s a lot of maritime traffic and where a large amount of the world`s crude oil passes through.








20200113 CNN 10.pdf



center on ...

...을 중심으로 하다. ...에 초점을 맞추다.

high-stakes  a.

리스크가 큰

warship  n.


involve  v.

...을 포함하다.

responsible  a.


aggressively  ad.


approach  v.

...에 접근하다.

vessel  n.

, 선박

signal  n.


collision  n.


delay  v.

미루다. 연기하다. 지체하다.

eventually  ad.


disagree with ...

...에 동의하지 않다.

summary  n.


maneuver  v.

...을 교묘히 움직이다.

incident  n.


emergency  n.

비상, 긴급

a number of ...

= several

provocative  a.


describe A as B

A B로 묘사하다.

the latest ...

최신의 ...

near miss

일촉즉발(의 상황, 사건)

a body of water


maritime  a.

바다의, 해양의

crude oil










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