2020년 11월 고2 모의고사 31번 STN 강의


#STN학원에서 학생들의 편의를 위해 제공하는 자료입니다. 

상세하면서도 핵심만 집어 강의하려 하였습니다. 

#2020년11월고2영어모의고사 31번 강의 자료와 script 입니다.

강의 자료는 아래 그림 파일로만 제공합니다. 






코디제이 남자 패딩조끼 1073 웰론 패딩 헤비조끼 남여공용 빅사이즈



파트너스 활동을 통해 일정액의 수수료를 제공받을 수 있음





Over 4.5 billion years ago, the Earths primordial atmosphere was probably largely water vapour, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen. The appearance and subsequent evolution of exceedingly primitive living organisms (bacteria-like microbes and simple single-celled plants) began to change the atmosphere, liberating oxygen and breaking down carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. This made it possible for higher organisms to develop. When the earliest known plant cells with nuclei evolved about 2 billion years ago, the atmosphere seems to have had only about 1 percent of its present content of oxygen. With the emergence of the first land plants, about 500 million years ago, oxygen reached about one-third of its present concentration. It had risen to almost its present level by about 370 million years ago, when animals first spread on to land. Todays atmosphere is thus not just a requirement to sustain life as we know it it is also a consequence of life.




코디제이 남자 패딩조끼 1073 웰론 패딩 헤비조끼 남여공용 빅사이즈



파트너스 활동을 통해 일정액의 수수료를 제공받을 수 있음



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