2019학년도 경찰대학 문제들 중에서



We know that blind evolutionary processes can produce human-level general intelligence, since ① they have already done so at least once. Evolutionary processes with foresight ─ that is, genetic programs designed and guided by an intelligent human programmer ─ should be able to achieve a similar outcome with far greater efficiency. ② This observation has been used by some philosophers and scientists to argue that human-level AI is not only theoretically possible but feasible within this century. The idea is that we can estimate the relative capabilities of evolution and human engineering to produce intelligence, and find that human engineering is already vastly ③ superior to evolution in some areas and is likely to become superior in the remaining areas before too long. The fact that evolution produced intelligence therefore indicates that human engineering will .__________________________ . 

① compete against superintelligence
② lag far behind evolutionary processes
③ disguise itself as human-level AI
④ soon be able to do the same
⑤ repeat similar mistakes




01. ① they 가 가리키는 바를 영어로 쓰시오. 

02. 밑줄 친 ② 부분을 해석하시오. 


03. 밑줄 친 ② 부분에서 feasible 의 뜻은? 

04. ③의 뜻은? 그리고 반대말을 영어로 쓰시오. 


05. 선택지에 있는 다음 단어 또는 어구의 뜻을 각각 쓰시오. 

1. lag behind 

2. disguise A as B 





Cost of production concepts are not very useful to the understanding of the economics of agriculture, just as cost
of production of pizza is not very useful to understanding the pizza industry. A more appropriate comparison, ① given
the nature of joint production in agriculture, is the relation of cost of production of pizza to the structural understanding of the restaurant industry. ② Too great a reliance on cost of production is a danger because of the ③ inherent weaknesses of analyses that follow, the resources devoted to cost of production which would be better used elsewhere, and the limited focus of issues which can result from its emphasis. Cost of production seems, on the surface, to be a useful and basic element to economic analysis. Further, noneconomists relate well to the concept of cost of production, while supply functions, input demand functions, length-of-run and other important issues are less obvious concepts. ④ As a result, cost of production often becomes considered as ______________________ .

① an instrumental source of agricultural investment decision
② an end rather than a tool with limited analytic capability
③ one of the weakest indices of long-term market growth
④ a test of inter-industry collaboration assessment
⑤ an obscure measurement of market assets




01. ① 부분을 해석하시오. 


02. ② 부분을 해석하시오. 


03. ③의 뜻을 쓰고, 동의어를 모두 쓰시오. 


04. ④ 부분에는 정답을 넣은 상태로 전체 문장을 해석하시오. 


05. 선택지에 있는 다음 단어 또는 어구의 뜻을 각각 쓰시오.

1. instrumental  a. 

2. assessment  n. 

3. obscure  a. 





In the U.S. the proportion of infants who were nursed at all by their mothers, and the age at which those nursed infants were weaned, decreased through much of the 20th century. For example, by the 1970s only 5% of American children were being nursed at the age of six months. In contrast, ① among hunter-gatherers not in contact with farmers and without access to farmed foods, infants are nursed far beyond six months, because the only suitable infant food ② available to them is mother’s milk: they have no access to cow’s milk, baby ③ formula, or soft food replacements. The age of weaning averaged over seven hunter-gatherer groups is about three years old, ④ an age at which children finally become capable of fully nourishing themselves by chewing enough firm food.


① relationship between the age of weaning and available food
② necessity of early weaning in hunter-gatherer societies
③ controversy over the role of weaning in children’s health
④ agricultural motivations for early weaning in children
⑤ demographic contrasts between farmers and hunter-gatherers




01. ① 부분을 해석하시오. 


02. ② 부분의 문맥상 동의어 한 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오. 

03. ③의 뜻 두 가지는? 

04. ④ 부분을 해석하시오. 


05. 선택지에 있는 다음 단어 또는 어구의 뜻을 각각 쓰시오.

1. controversy  n. 

2. demographic  a. 




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