The Pomodoro Technique


The Pomodoro Technique


Invented in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo, the Pomodoro Technique is a time management philosophy that attempts to bring maximum focus and creative freshness to the user. The main aim of this technique is to facilitate the completion of projects faster and with less mental fatigue. Although many people have sung the praises of this method, other users have found that it just doesn’t suit them.


The process itself is straightforward and easy to learn; all you need is any type of timer. The basic idea is that you work continuously for 25 minutes, then take a five-minute break. Each of these 25-minute sessions is known as a pomodoro, or tomado, hence, the name of the method. After four pomodoros, the user should take a break of 15 or 20 minutes. Overall, this is an effective system for those with short attention spans, and the five minute breaks are relaxing without causing the user to lose touch with the continuity of their task. Moreover, it helps people to work without distraction, although they do need to keep track of time.


On the other hand, there are some elements of the Pomodoro Technique that don’t work for some of its users. Being on a clock can result in stress and anxiety for many workers, and the constant awareness of the time instead of the task can cause users to lose focus. Furthermore, many tasks don’t fit nicely into a 25-minute window If you’re on a business call, for example, you can hardly hang up just because 25 minutes have gone by. But, if your work is continuous, the strategy is amazingly effective.


Whether the Pomodoro Technique works for you or not will largely depend on your personality and the type of work you do. It’s not the answer for everyone, but it’s probably worth looking into. You might not strictly follow the method, but doing short bursts of work, followed by even shorter breaks, will undoubtedly benefit you.




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